**Nathan was born January 2008 with Achondroplasia dwarfism. Achondroplasia is the most common form of dwarfism. This blog welcomes a look into our family as we raise our son as a Little Person.**

Mommy Smack Down, Sort of!

I don’t know if there is a good post title. I’ve stepped into the hard part of parenting. What to say and do when a child’s behavior is not appropriate. Audrey has a few friends in the neighborhood to play with. I see that she gets along better with one friend over the other. There has been insistence where the girls have reverted to hitting, but today mom lost it. Ahh, no I was not the one hitting. Maybe I should be more clear? My daughter was the recipient of not one but two hits and some pinches (girls like to pinch). Mostly because the girl didn’t like to hear “no.” There has been other things said by this girl that were hurtful and I left undressed. My mistake. Today, all those feelings caught up with me as I marched over to her house and said to her mom, “We gotta talk!” I could have waited for her to get off the phone but I felt as if this monster voice came out of my mouth as soon as I opened it. None the less, the problem was addressed appropriately and I did call and apologize for my inappropriate barking.

I feel like I need a class on how to address these issues. Either I’m too soft or I’m too hard. Most the time I can’t even think of the words that need to be said. I know that this is a job that none of us want to do, but have to. Sometimes I wonder if I’m on the defense for all the teasing and such I got when I was younger. I know that we all want to protect our kids from hurting, I just hope that I can learn to handle things better in the future. This is more of a vent to clear my thoughts. Thanks for listening.


Melissa Swartley said...

Geez, why are girls so crazy like that?! Zoe has definitely had her moments with her 4 year old sister but then I saw how some of her friends act sometimes when they are all playing together. I'd say I can't wait for the pinching stuff to be over but I think by then it will be the petty pre teen and teen crap that we will be dealing with! Oh Lord, what are we in for?!

Kim said...

I think you handled it well. My best friend forever lived across the street. We were so mean to each other at times-now she is like my sister-so hopefully these times will pass. But I think you handled it very appropriately! Girls are hard-I remeber those years all too well. Don't worry about barking-I do it too at times!

Greene Family said...

I probably would have handled the situation the same way. It is so much better (I think) to talk with the other mom than letting it continue. I remember the pinching days - not sure why girls go through this, but I don't remember my brothers and their friends doing so. Hopefully, this stage will pass quickly.

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