It's been awhile. After Nathan had the flu and I thought that life was getting back to normal, I got the flu. I haven't had the flu in 10 years and forgot how much energy it zaps out of you. The kids don't have anything on the flu bug. So Friday, I pretty much sat on the couch feeling crappy and knowing that I still had to take care of a 15 month old. Of course, 2 hours before I got sick I ordered tickets to the Hannah Montana Movie for Audrey and I to see. I sucked it up and dropped Nate off at grandpa's and took Audrey to the movie. I thought that she would sit and enjoy the movie and mom would kick back and take a nap. BUT
1. My daughter loves to talk. She had to ask questions and narrate the movie for me.
2. Those ICEE's are really good and great for nausea.
3. Didn't want to miss any opportunity to see Rascal Flatts.
4. The hoedown hip hop was a must see.
All in all I made it through the movie without running for the bathroom. Finally, by Sunday I felt well enough to think about some breakfast and we all went out to eat.
Monday Audrey went back to school from her Easter break. I picked up the movie Bedtime Stories from the library and we watched it that afternoon. It was a cute movie but the trailer really did make it look better than it really was. My favorite part was when his (Adam Sandler's) nephew mentioned during the bedtime story that Abe Lincoln showed up. Then in real life when he's (Adam Sandler) was under the docks about to kiss the girl he freaked out about Abe Lincoln showing up and ruined the kiss, only to find a penny lying on the ground. It also didn't keep Audrey's attention for very long.
Tuesday it rained all day and was really cold and I felt like staying home.
Wednesday, Audrey's class was going to the bounce house place we had a fun time. Audrey did most of the bouncing while I found something to entertain Nate. I have some great pictures to follow. Later that night I took Audrey to her swim class and got a little time to relax. Matt watched Nate for me and I got to read more of my Harry Potter book that I haven't touched in a year. Maybe I can finish it before the movie comes out?
Thursday, today Audrey, Nate, myself and our golden retriever, Bentley went for a nice long walk. I think we walked almost two miles. Mamma's out of shape because my body was aching. The dog was tired out too because he took a nap when he got home. We were hot from the walk so Audrey and I got popsicles. Nate was pretty jealous so I shared. He wasn't afraid to take a big bite. Well dinner is ready. My husband got a new Weber gas grill and made our first hamburgers of the spring/summer. Ta Ta
7 months ago
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