**Nathan was born January 2008 with Achondroplasia dwarfism. Achondroplasia is the most common form of dwarfism. This blog welcomes a look into our family as we raise our son as a Little Person.**

Audrey's Last Special Helper Day at Preschool

Friday was the last day Audrey would be special helper at preschool. It was a sad moment for mom. Audrey and mom get to help with the activities of the day and Audrey provides snack for everyone at school. It is a fun time. They read stories and dance to music, get to play and do "must-dos" (This is the learning activity of the day). This month their learning about bugs and spring and how everything has a life cycle. The class will be getting in caterpillars and chicken eggs. This will be so cool to see.

But I must say how sad it is to leave those preschool years. The excitement to watch their faces as if a light bulb popped on when they really get something. The unless questions which we all hate but you know that your the first to be "teaching" them about it. In the fall Audrey heads off to kindergarten, which I look forward to (I can spend time with just Nate) but also fear. It will be lonely not having her here all day. It also means that I will actually have to get up and find the phone instead of asking her to bring it to me or have her keep an eye on her brother. But I know that this will bring new excitement too. I think that I will miss her preschool teachers too. They have been so good and they really enjoyed having Audrey. Will her new teacher feel the same?

Enjoy the pictures! There's one of Nate in his new stroller!

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